Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nate turns 4 on July 28

We celebrate all that God is doing and has done in Nate's life.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,

“Never a dull moment,” recently I’ve seen this phrase with hash tags as people twitter about their lives, and I can’t think of a more appropriate saying to describe the past year of our lives… an unknown sickness, malaria, flying to the States unexpectedly, seeing doctors and specialists, leaving California for Indiana, the boys adoption finalized, dealing with their immigration process, not knowing until the last minute if we were high tailing it back to Uganda or not at the end of May, and Nate’s surgery. Well true to form there’s more…
“Never a dull moment” because our God is Provider and He often brings us to the point of need so that we can clearly see His hand acting on our behalf!
“Never a dull moment” because our God is a Healer and He only shows his healing power through sickness whether physical or spiritual!
“Never a dull moment” because we are on this adventure with a God who is all about His own glory and He has allowed us to be a canvas so to speak, on which He has chosen show off. And show off He is, like fireworks in a black sky.
Over the past few months God has laid a very specific prayer on Caleb’s heart and the hearts of several other people (6 and counting… please let us know if the number is higher). The day before we celebrated our sixteenth wedding anniversary God revealed His answer to those prayers. It was a prayer that I had not been able to pray myself because of some significant boulders that served as road blocks in my heart as it pertained to communicating openly and intimately with my Father God. These boulders begged me to believe the lies written on them rather than the truth God says about who I am. But praise be to God who is a Father who knows the desires of our hearts whether we ask or not, a Father who will not give a stone when His child asks for bread, a Father who beckons us to allow Him to remove all obstacles so that we can clearly hear Him speak truth over us, the truth that we are loved daughters and sons of the King, and that He desires for us to have joy and gladness in His presence, and a Father who did all of that in my heart only one day before the BIG reveal!
Now for BIG news! After sixteen years of marriage, and being graced with the gifts of two beautiful, adopted sons, God has begun another life, a “magnum opus” (great work) that will take over nine months to complete. He is fearfully and wonderfully (Ps. 139:16) knitting together a baby inside me. Yes, I am pregnant! And we will, as the prophet Isaiah said, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;” we will “make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” We will “Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things;” we will “let this be known to all the world.” We will “Shout aloud and sing for joy… for great is the Holy One of Israel among  you.”(Isaiah 12:3)
As for now, the Immigration department has granted the boys extension and we have purchased plane tickets back to Uganda for September 18th.  We look forward to the next two months chalked full of family, friends, New Hope projects, and telling God’s story of His mighty deeds in us, both great and small!
With our monthly support down a bit and our adjusted planning for a family of five, we would love for you to consider joining us as monthly financial partners for His glory and for His kingdom as we serve Him in Uganda.   Our current committed monthly support is $2525 and our budget is $3300. We still need $775 in monthly support.      http://newhopeuganda.org/donate/

The Mitchell’s,           

Caleb, Alair, Nico, and Nate

f you are led to join Caleb and Alair in ministry with New Hope Uganda, please complete the following:
I/We would like to commit to being a prayer partner:               c daily             c weekly
I/We would like to commit to supporting Caleb and Alair monthly with the following amount*:
c $25       c $50      c $75       c $100       c $200       c Other: $_________

I/We would like to give a one-time gift of $____________. 
Name:______________________________________________  Phone number: _________________
Address:_____________________________  City:___________________  State:_____  Zip:________
Email address:________________________________________________

* New Hope Uganda Ministries—PO Box 154— Belle Fourche, SD 57717 — 800.611.6486 — www.newhopeuganda.org

 *New Hope Uganda Ministries is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


As always we hope this finds you well, that you are reminded as we have been by our little guy Nate singing one of his favorite Seeds song, that all things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 & 29). Our God is so faithful to remind us by the Holy Spirit and even through his little ones, all of the things that Christ taught. And the truth that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,” (Hebrews 13:8) brings comfort and confidence in the midst of changing situations.
 We have been in Indiana just over two weeks now and are thankful for both an uneventful flight from California and for a pretty seamless transition. Thank you for your continual prayers on our behalf… we are full of praise reports this month! One is that for almost a month now Caleb has not had a flare up. In fact aside from fatigue, he feels great! He has been on a steady level of prednisone for two months and he began taking methatrexate a month ago. Please continue to pray as he begins making the transition off of prednisone. Our hope is that he will be able to maintain the quality of life he has been experiencing while solely on methatrexate. Because Caleb is in a transitional stage of his treatment, his rheumatologist has recommended that we remain here in the States for a few more months so that he can manage Caleb on his medication until he is confident that the transition has been successful.
In our last update we  informed you that the boys’ visitor visas expire at the end of May. We have applied for extensions and will have a clear answer on our leave date when we hear back from USCIS. For now we have tickets to Uganda on hold for May 18th. Please continue to pray as we have not heard from the attorney in Uganda regarding the Judge’s decision on the boys final adoption which was supposed to be given on April 15th
Many of you have regularly supported through prayer or financially be it monthly donations or occasional one time gifts, and for that we are eternally grateful. As we have said before, our service to the Lord in Uganda would not be possible without your partnerships. Thank you! If you sense God leading you to join in His work through these “broken” Mitchell “vessels,” by either joining our team of prayer partners or financial partners please indicate and mail in the enclosed card. Your timely financial contributions whether ongoing-monthly financial gifts or through very appreciated one time gifts, will help us with the upcoming costs of airline tickets ($3,500) for our return to Uganda and our work permits ($1,500) upon arrival. For online donations go to www.newhopeuganda.org. In our next newsletter we will let you know how God answers prayer concerning the boys visa status, the adoption and we will give you an idea about the exciting area of ministry Caleb will be involved in with New Hope.
Thank you for your continued prayers,
Caleb, Alair, Nico and Nate