Sunday, February 17, 2008

God as Father

During a speaking engagement at a local church about God's heart for the orphan I posed the question- How many of you have been adopted? Only a few raised their hands. Then I read the passage of scripture found in Ephesians 1:5 "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will." I then asked the same question again. The whole congregation raised their hands the second time.
I often forget the significance of our adoption into the family of God and I believe many other christians do the same. C. J. Mahaney expounds on this concept in his recent sermon called "God as Father," as I listened to this sermon it was a powerful reminder of the joy that is found as we embrace God as our Father.

to listen to the message "God as Father" by C.J. Mahaney click on the link below. It is found under the resources tab. Then click on view all resources.

1 comment:

wagamama said...

GREAT MESSAGE. I listened to the entire thing. Do you think you have to be married to adopt? :o)