Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April News

Dear Friends and Family,

God has truly blessed us these past few months. We have continued to feel His leading as the details of our departure are being finalized. God has given us peace, direction , and growing anticipation as we get closer to being on the field.
It is exciting to be part of the team that will be developing a camp on the 715 acres recently purchased by NHUM. This beautiful site is located on Lake Victoria in the southern part of Uganda. We believe that God will greatly use this camp to impact the lives of the youth of Uganda for Christ. The new youth camp and training center will play a vital role in bringing the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless children with whom we have been entrusted.
Our goal is to establish a camp that will work with our current children’s centers, other children’s centers in Uganda, as well as other Christian ministries working to further the gospel of Christ. The camp will provide opportunities for people to come to know Christ, grow in their relationship with Him, and grow in their understanding of what it means to be God-honoring men and woman in their culture.
We are excited to see the truth of God’s Word transform their lives and compel them to live for Christ. There is much work ahead of us and we cherish your prayer support. We trust that God will work all things together for His glory.

Caleb and Alair

Prayer Request
A strong financial and prayer support base as we continue to seek new partners in ministry
For wisdom as we make decisions and raise funds for the land.
That we will continue to clearly share the vision of what God has called us to.

Our plane tickets have been purchased!
Our departure date is June 25th.
Thanks to ministry partners, New Hope Uganda has signed a purchase agreement for 715 acres of the 1,100 acres of land on Lake Victoria for the camp!
Prayer Support- We are very thankful for those of you who have committed to pray for us and this ministry either daily or weekly!
We are grateful for those who have given financially to this ministry.

Monthly Support Covers
Personal expenses such as:
house maintenance
Ministry expenses such as:
air travel
savings for furloughs
NHU admin. expenses
hosting groups
community needs

Start Up Expenses
initial airfare to Uganda
work permits
printing and mailings
camp housing to be built
vehicle in Uganda
emergency fund
language school
NHICF training

Support and Donations
New Hope Uganda Ministries
PO Box 154
Belle Fourche, SD 57717

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