Dear family and friends,
It’s hard to believe our last update was back in November. As most of you know, we returned to the U.S. in mid November to help care for Alair’s mom who is suffering from terminal bone cancer. We are still in Connecticut with Alair’s dad and sister, walking through this journey together.
There have been many ups and downs in this process but we are constantly reminded of Christ’s suffering for us--He promises to never leave us or forsake us. The Lord continues to sustain Averill’s life and we’ve seen spiritual victory--peace and freedom. We are learning to lay aside our needs and wants, which is difficult as we desire and long to be back in Uganda, continue the work we began, and most of all to complete the process of adopting Nicholas. The separation process has not been easy.
New Hope is extremely supportive of us staying in the states until Alair’s mom goes home to be with the Lord. We are tentatively scheduled to return to Uganda on February 19, but it appears we may have to change our plane tickets again. Please pray for us as we make these important decisions.
Even though we are in America, the work at the camp site in Uganda continues. The first staff house (which will be our house temporarily) is complete along with the store house and pit latrines. It’s exciting to see pictures of the development as we keep in contact with our partners Syd and Andrea Sparks.
Today (February 4th) is a big day for a couple of reasons! The first short-term team dedicated specifically to working at the camp site left for Uganda today. The team will clear bush, work on perimeter fencing, and clear the fresh water spring (which will be our water source). Also Caleb’s cousin, J.T., left for Uganda today. He will be serving at New Hope for three months. We are so excited J.T. has this opportunity and we can’t wait to join him in Africa.
Thank you for the emails, love, support, and encouragement you’ve shown. We’ve been overwhelmed as we’ve watched the body of Christ work during this time.
Caleb and Alair
-Psalm 27:13-14
“I would have despaired unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes wait for the Lord.”
so thankful for you guys and your hearts. praying for u 2 and nico
That's you best update letter yet! ;)
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