Thursday, September 17, 2009


The New Hope Family

Vocational Training at New Hope

Recent Activities in our Family and at Kasana
Our “shift” (move) to our semi-permanent residence happened the second week of Aug. We will most likely be in this house for one year until we can build our house (which we hope to begin this coming January). If we live in the house we are in now for one year as planned, it will be the longest we have lived in any given place since we sold our house in Auburn three years ago. What a reminder it has been that this earth is not our home instead, “our citizenship is in heaven” Phil. 3:20.
Needless to say we are thankful for the prospect of one full year without moving, and we were eager begin to settle in (with the great expectation of no longer living out of suit cases bins and crates). We painted and varnished the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom prior to moving in. We’ve finished hanging curtains in the sitting room and planted sweet corn and other veggies in our garden (in time for the rains). In Uganda there are two seasons that happen twice a year: wet and dry. We are saying goodbye to a long dry season and welcoming the rains.
The students have returned to school after a 3 week holiday break in between the second and final terms of the school year. During their time off, they have been working in their family gardens, doing odd jobs to earn extra money, and visiting relatives when able. A group of students also went on a week-long outreach to Kumi (a town north of us, whose people have struggled to regain confidence, motivation, and prosperity after years of attacks, raids, and kidnappings by Joseph Koney and the LRA). Our youth understand that they have been blessed to be a blessing (Gen.12:2-3, 22:17-18), and along with hands prepared to work, they have taken the truest blessing to those in need- the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. This past dry season (which coordinates with your summer) we had a large number of teams from the US, and the UK who were busy serving the children and staff, running VBS camps, and working on projects at all three New Hope sites. Along with fundraising and business planning, visitors have kept Caleb occupied with trips to and from the airport, orientating teams to cultural aspects of life here in Uganda and more specifically life and all that goes on here at Kasana. September will slow down for Caleb a bit as no teams will be visiting until Oct. As you can guess Nicolas (who has been sick quite a bit the past few months) and settling into our new place has kept Alair pretty busy as well.
One Way You Can Support Us:
It seems that as soon as school begins, Christmas is just around the corner. One way you can plan ahead for Christmas (or any occasion) and support us at the same time is to participate in our gift card campaign found on this blog. Using it allows you to support us financially without changing your normal spending habits, but it gives you the ability to save the time and fuel that would be spent going to multiple stores to purchase gift cards! Every time you purchase a card from this store, up to 8% of every dollar spent will be given back. 100% of your purchase is placed on the gift card to be mailed (FREE SHIPPING) to you or directly to the recipient of the gift. Purchase from stores like Starbucks, Chipotle, Bath and Body Works, Barnes and Noble, Boarders, iTunes, Amazon, Best Buy, Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, J Crew and many more!
As always your prayer support is indispensable. Please pray for:
· Nicolas’ health
· Depth of relationships with fellow staff members and children
· Favor as we continue in the process for legal guardianship of Nicolas and wisdom in our family’s (Mitchell family) development
· Eternal perspective every day in each relationship, in how we give council, and in our daily tasks at work and at home
Thank you again for all your support!
Caleb, Alair and Nico

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